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Robert Edmanson - Harrison (AMRSPH)

HND. Health & Social Care   / HNC. Science  / Dip. NLP.  Practitioner 
Dip. Health & Lifestyle Coach + TrainerDip. Stress Counselling (advanced) 


Business Coach & Mentor, Therapeutic Art Coach, Health & Wellbeing Coach & Trainer, EFT Therapist, NLP Practitioner & Trainer, Workplace Stress Counsellor.

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Isle of Man



IOM Recovery College

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Associate Member

Royal Society of Public Health

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Trainer & Practioner

International Guild of NLP

A Bit About Me

My early working life was spent travelling around the world with my Arts & Counselling career.


However, since first moving to the Isle of Man in 1999.  I have spent much of my over 25 years working in the business world, of Finance, Technology and Management. Perhaps, misleadingly, you may think that, the finance industry is all about the money and that nobody could possibly have any issues.


No so!  If you speak to any finance staff who have moved from one bank to another, why they left..the answer is pretty much always the same.  We left because of our manager or more correctly as a result of our line manager.  The truth is that..."People don't leave jobs, they leave bad managers."  Indeed, I have had personal experience of workplace bullying and much more, due to the ignorance of colleagues, who regrettably have little understanding of mental health issues.​


In recent years, I am pleased to announce that the tide is turning and attitudes are changing.  Some, but not all more caring, insightful employers are becoming more open to different ways of making their staff feel rewarded in their workplace environment.  One of the best ways they've being showing this is, by offering online courses which staff can view/learn/experience either in the workplace or even from the comfort of their own home.

Qualifications & Experience

Additional Skills

Useful links:

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