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Advice for the Newly qualified Health & Welbeing or Health & Lifestyle Coach...

Updated: Apr 13

OK, you have just got your New qualification certificate or diploma in your sticky little hand:-))

Now What??

Well you have received your first Client Booking and you are all excited to get into it and help make a difference in your clients life. However, you have discovered that even thought the client or even worst a friend or partner has purchased your service for your client and the aforementioned client has not yet realised that they need to change or is railing against change...even though then have employed you to help them change...What do "YOU" the new coach do in this situation?

As a Health & Wellbeing or Health and Lifestyle Coach, you have "ONE JOB" ! This is the most important role you have to play here and it is to improve the health and wellbeing and "YES" lifestyle of your all times

AND "YES" even if the client is awkward and does not..."Feel they need to change too much" or "Only is interested in losing a bit of weight for their party, their event or their wedding"

What do you do or say to them then? Do you take the moral high ground and state..If your not prepared to help yourself and work with me then I no longer want you as a client and simply refund their merry and send them on their merry little way? Or do you...THINK OF THE MONEY and smile sweetly and do want they want give them a half complete job, which then are happy with, but you question yourself about internally?

OR DO YOU....Be the professional you have spent all those difficult weeks, months and sleepless night worrying about your exam and just...Be their coach and guide them along, give them the facts about where they could (BUT WE REALLY MEAN NEED!) some work to improve their life and health.

In the case of the Health & Wellbeing coach one of the more difficult tasks to help your client with is To stop Smoking. As a 40-a-day-man myself over many years, I can confirm that quitting is a really difficult thing to do and anyone who has managed it, has my deep respect, but I digress...

So the most important thing to begin with here for your client who needs help quitting smoking is to make sure they have all the most relevant facts about smoking and this can sometimes be difficult to find as the internet is full of all sorts of weird, wild and wonderful information about everything. So where do "YOU" go to find information which you can use? YES, you covered this in your coaches training, but most of which you will have forgotten or may now be out of date...So I repeat where do you go?

I found that, it is best to seek out legitimate medical website and one such website I have and continue to use as a source or pertinent information is

Check out my post called - Very Brief Advice for Tobacco Dependency

My partial posting was taken directly from their website and is a lengthy 155 minutes in total.


Although they posted this in June 2020, it is still the best information I have come across yet about Smoking Cessation.


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